Cari banane

Homemade cari banane




  1. Heat oil in frying pan.
  2. Add salt and bananas to oil and fry. Remove bananas once fried.
  3. Add thyme leaves, curry leaves and cut onion to oil.
  4. Add salt and fry until onions change colour slightly.
  5. Add crushed tomatoes, onion-ginger-garlic paste, haldi powder and cumin powder to pan.
  6. Leave to cook for a while then add water (since bananas will absorb water).
  7. (Cook some more time and add more salt if needed.)
  8. Add fried bananas to pan.
  9. Cook till sauce becomes a bit dry.
  10. Turn off flame and garnish with coriander leaves and spring onion.
  11. Serve hot.
  12. Enjoy your cari banane!